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Smart Connected Solutions Improve Business Margin and Increase Market Share

Aerospace manufacturers and MRO centers, automotive and heavy industry providers are readily adopting smart connected solutions to help realize the efficiency and productivity that Industry 4.0 technologies deliver. Typical Lean Manufacturing solutions aim to raise machine utilization, shorten lead times, reduce waste and lower inventories. Smart connected solutions foster automation and real-time track and trace capabilities that integrate production floor activities with their supporting supply chains for more accurate decision making. Market competition and diminishing margins force manufacturers to adopt these new solutions to maintain profitability.



Smart Connected Solution for Aerospace

Learn how aerospace customers are using Tego’s Platform to realize operational efficiencies on their production floor. The platform delivers automation, business process mapping and data integration for a complete end-to-end solution.


Aseptic Tracking and Foolproof Quality Control

Digitized and Automated Chain of Custody and

Audit Information at Your Fingertips – Anywhere

For pharmaceutical manufacturers, product safety is non-negotiable. Violations could mean front-page news, lawsuits, or worse. Current aseptic environmental monitoring quality assurance practices rely heavily on labor-intensive paper-based methods, with only 15 percent of the market utilizing more automated methods like bar codes. Digital solutions can improve manufacturing effectiveness and facilitate reporting for environmental monitoring.

Learn how Tego helps to:

  • Automate data collection from devices and people.
  • Eliminate redundant data entry and transcription errors.
  • Improve worker efficiency.
  • Improve regulatory compliance.
  • Enable sound product and quality release decisions.

Tego Tool Tracking

Tego Tool Asset Management:

The Right Tool, Fully Calibrated and Ready to Work When You Need It

Complex machinery require complex tools. When there are tens of millions of dollars worth of tools and assembly kits scattered across the globe, maintaining up-to-date information about each tool becomes incredibly complicated. Tego’s plug-and-play asset management system is ideal for distributed workforces and assets on the move.

Find out how you can:

  • Get access to critical data about a tool in the field anywhere it travels.
  • Have backend enterprise information available at your fingertips, enabling on-the-spot decision making.
  • Get a single view of your entire inventory in real-time without having to depend on infrastructure or connectivity.

Tego AIP for Hospitals

Tego’s Asset Intelligence Platform (AIP) solution delivers efficient hospital asset management processes and outcomes for both management and clinical staff alike.

Learn how you can drive improved quality of care, staff efficiency, and cost containment through effective asset utilization. From capital equipment uptime and condition management to automatic electronic replenishment of consumable inventory, a cost effective asset intelligence platform can get you there fast.

Learn more about how MROHistorian can generate value for your business – view the brochure below.

MROHistorian – A “Plug & Play” Digitized Asset Management Solution for OEM Providers, Equipment Operators and OEMs

MROHistorian is an “out-of-the-box” software solution that drives significant efficiencies in asset management and MRO processes in capital-intensive industries. It provides asset owners, operators and maintenance personnel with the ability to store and retrieve critical data and documents directly upon capital assets, eliminating paper-work and manual processes to retrieve records and historical information.

Operators can write and retrieve data directly and securely on parts, components, assemblies, tools, etc, using standard consumer mobile devices or commercial RF readers.

Imagine what it would be like to have digitized information such as manufacturing details, part specifications, authenticity certificates, and progressive maintenance activity directly at your fingertips as asset inspection and maintenance are performed?

Learn more about the solution here.

Interested in a MROHistorian demo? Sign up below!

Inside Big Data: Staying Agile by Focusing On the “T” in the IoT

Unlike traditional IoT (Internet of Things) solutions, edge computing looks to bring the power of the data closer to the asset itself so that decision making is quicker and data is nearer the hands of the right folks who can take the right actions. In practice, it’s called, “Decision making at the point of read.”

Read full article here

Webinar: IP portfolio management for SMEs

Tego CEO Timothy Butler presented a webinar along with PatSnap – Strategic Intellectual Property. Tego’s technology embeds data and documents directly on an asset, creating business intelligence and powering the internet of things.

By 2020, an estimated 50 billion devices, robots, and sensors will be connected to the internet, and to each other. These devices are impacting every aspect of how we work and live, in what is being described as the 4th industrial revolution.

Timothy Butler will share how the company’s intellectual property strategy began to take shape while the Tego was still a very early stage startup. He’ll discuss how Tego’s IP strategy has evolved as the company has grown, and share insights on best practice for SMEs when managing their IP.

View the full webinar here

Manufacturing Business Technology: Energy Harvesting Extends the IoT to Billions of Smart Assets

Tego Executive Director Bill Stevenson featured in Manufacturing Business Technology, discussing the topic of energy harvesting.

“Devices and sensors that rely on power harvesting provide an ideal platform for distributing and maintaining operational data at the ‘edge’ and can provide this distributed data to users with inexpensive smart phone readers. This greatly extends the IoT opportunity to deploy smart assets in a much wider range of new use cases, more quickly.”

Read the full article here

SD Times: Solving the Internet of Things integration problem

Tego CEO Timothy Butler was interviewed by SD Times reporter Christina Cardoza on IoT integration. His focus points towards the importance of bringing intelligence to a device and how this mindset will create an exponential value and transform the whole system.

Read the full article here 

Flarrio: How IIoT Can Combat The Rising Tide of Counterfeit Drugs

Tego CEO Timothy Butler wrote a piece for Flarrio Magazine in January on the rising tide of counterfeit drugs and how the pharmaceutical industry can take cues from aerospace on how to react to this challenge.

Read the article here

The State of IoT Survey

The State of IoT/Smart Assets Adoption Survey

How do your IoT efforts stack up? Compare yourself to your peers.

Your Opinion Needed on “The State of IoT / Smart Assets Adoption”

Complete our 10 minute survey and see how you stack up!

In addition to getting the results first, you will be entered for a chance to win an Amazon gift card if you share your answers before the close date!*

We aim to reveal where the IoT is proving itself as a game changer and where it still lags behind. Is the promise of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) actually adding value at your company? Are you delaying implementations or forging ahead with it?  Are you keeping up with your peers and competitors?

To begin, start here:


All information will be kept STRICTLY confidential and all participants will receive results in aggregate form.

* Expected study close date is February 28, 2017, subject to change.

Machine Design: 7 Signs That Now Is the Time for Energy Harvesting Technology

Tego CTO Bob Hamlin wrote a piece for Machine Design this month on energy harvesting and how to take advantage of its capabilities. “You may be unfamiliar with energy harvesting now, but soon enough this technology will be ubiquitous.”

Read the article here

What The Mob Can Teach Us About Counterfeiting in Global Supply Chains


Supply chains of nearly every product sold in the world are being targeted by criminals. Case in point, earlier this year, 60 Minutes ran a special focusing on the inner workings of the Italian mob’s role in their nation’s food industry. The piece focuses primarily on the extra virgin olive oil market but also details the extent to which organized crime has infiltrated the supply chain of Italy’s most prized, exported foods. The story especially caught the eyes of the Tego team because the same inefficiencies it calls out in the food industry are at the epicenter of the problems we are trying to solve as a company. (If you have not seen it, we suggest you check it out.) As you will see, counterfeiting is a problem that transcends almost every major industry, but the extra-virgin olive oil market paints an especially clear picture how end-consumers are generally unaware of the original source or accuracy of the ingredients in their products. This is a global issue that is becoming continually worse, even in the most established and regulated industries.

Olive Oil Rakes in the Cheddar

Counterfeit Italian delicacies such as olive oil, wine and cheese have become so profitable that Mafia leaders are said to garner $16 billion per year from their exploits, and profits are only going up with innovations designed to infiltrate the entire supply chain, from the farm to the table. The mob hires its own farm workers, facilitates transportation, and can impose its own pricing since it owns the supermarkets themselves. The system has grown so large that it’s earned its own moniker: the “Agromafia.”

The larger issue is that these counterfeit foods do not simply stay within Italy’s borders. These goods make their way overseas to the United States and other first-world, consumer markets. In December of 2015, Italian authorities seized 7,000 tons of olive oil en route to the United States. In fact, it is estimated that a full 70-80 percent of extra virgin olive oil currently sitting on supermarket shelves does not stand up to U.S. standards. In April, 2016, U.S. Congress finally ordered the FDA to begin testing imported oils for labeling accuracy.

Why the focus on extra virgin olive oil? Profitability. It is said the margins on a batch of EVOO cut with canola or sunflower oil can be three times that of cocaine. Think about that next time you’re eating that healthy salad.

It may not seem like a big deal for Americans to pay for lower quality olive oil than packaging claims, but when you consider the implications of someone ingesting a food laced with allergenic or poisonous ingredients the problem becomes, quite literally, tragic. Over the last two years alone, tons of seized meat products have been found to contain solvents and pesticides.

The Big Picture

These problems serve as a great proxy to global supply chain problems that exist in many industries. Everything from children’s toys to medication to car parts is consistently pirated, to the tune of an estimated $461 billion to $1.8 trillion per year market. As mentioned, even the oldest and most regulated industries are susceptible to counterfeiting. In pharmaceutical and manufacturing supply chains, improper ingredients or materials can be even more costly and deadly. Anywhere from 100,000 to one million people die every year due to falsified drugs, where the market for counterfeits is estimated to be a $200 billion a year business. Although counterfeit drugs are still most prevalent in less developed countries with fewer federal regulations, many indeed make their way across United States’ borders without being detected.

So What?

Counterfeiting has been a common trouble spot throughout history, and the trend toward globalization has no doubt made the issue worse. But it does not mean we have to remain at the mercy of globalized blind spots.
Visibility is ultimately a matter of producers finding sustainable ways to track their assets from birth to death, and everywhere in between. In order to meet this level of clarity, global companies need to enable the assets in their supply chain to record a digital history about their journeys in real time. This means recording all of the products’ lifecycle, regulatory and integrity management information, and then, relaying this data to all stakeholders along the asset’s journey to the consumer. Products need to carry this type of authenticity data on the assets themselves and checked at each point in the supply chain if global manufacturers want to truly ensure the validity and safety of their product lines.

Only when you know exactly where an asset has been, who has handled it and when it was handed off, can a supplier ensure that no counterfeit foods, drugs or materials are making their way to the hands of the consumer. Asset Management is a process we have helped successfully implement to some of the world’s major industries such as Aerospace, Healthcare and Rail.

Ask us how, here.

Why RFID, barcoding fall short in the rush to life sciences serialization


As the pharmaceutical industry gears up for the next round of Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) and 503B compliance measures, the challenge presents a favorable opportunity to turn away from thinking of compliance as a burden, and instead consider the compounded business benefits to be gained from a well-honed serialization strategy. Even in the absence of feeling forced to check the compliance box, there are a number of high-leverage financial and risk management implications that come from thinking beyond merely track and trace. Financial loss, patient safety and shareholder value all stand to win — or lose — on the shoulders of supply chain asset intelligence.

Over the years, the industry has employed several game plans designed to embed products in the supply chain with intelligence, to varying degrees of success. Primary among them: barcoding and, more recently, RFID.

Barcodes – Simple elegance, but simply not enough

Barcodes are the traditional, cost-efficient, easy-to-integrate solution for product tagging and tracking in the supply chain. But they do come with a number of limitations:

  • They must be individually read, which can be a drag on workforce productivity.
  • They cannot log critical data, such as chain-of-custody records or thermal monitoring for sensitive medicines.
  • They require a line-of-sight reader, meaning they cannot be read at the product level through materials like boxes and textiles. For serialization and future aggregation requirements, this is a crucial shortcoming.

But perhaps the largest issue with packaging-level barcode security is that it has proven to be vulnerable to counterfeiting. As a rule of thumb, consider that a credible forgery often surfaces within six months of deployment for most packaging-level security technologies. Criminals have access to digital printing, packaging duplication equipment, and are well-versed in every phase of the manufacturing and delivery process through recent globalization efforts in the pharmaceutical industry. On that score, progress begets challenge. Any criminal with a cheap but high-quality printer can imitate packaging designs, including bar codes.

Simple RFID tags — close, but not quite there

On the anti-counterfeiting front, RFID tags do allow a manufacturer to write digital content onto a product itself, which can then be verified at delivery to ensure a patient receives the proper product. However, once written, this identification data cannot be modified to reflect changing transport conditions or chain-of-custody updates.]

Moreover, RFID signal frequencies across the world are non-standardized. This issue in fact, highlights one of the biggest challenges in how to approach compliance: There is currently a wide range of technologies used to exchange product transaction data, with no clear standard. It is expected that the GS1’s EPCIS standard will play a role in the exchange of non-serialized and serialized data between now and 2023, but for now, it requires an interpretation by the actors involved. Better to be safe than sorry, and stick to solutions that interoperate within GS1.

A third, and more dramatic issue is survivability. Many RFID solutions on the market today cannot survive sterilization or other extreme processing conditions that may come into play during life sciences manufacturing and transport operations.

Smart Assets take healthcare to, and beyond, DSCSA and 503B

Tego’s approach has been to allow individual products – from airline seating to the myriad valves and meters holding together the World’s energy infrastructure – to maintain and share their own unique “storylines” from manufacture to distribution, to maintenance. Those stories range from e-pedigree to critical usage details – events and operations endured a certain time and date, or across a given time period – that will validate compliance with processes, guidelines, and safety best practices. In fact, Tego wrote the part identification and data capture standard for the Airline industry.

Tego has taken RFID, well, beyond RFID with a passive, connected technology that allows manufacturers to transform any asset into what is essentially a mini-computer that can be read and written upon as if it was a laptop or mobile device. Tego’s solution is rugged enough to survive gamma and e-beam sterilization, not to mention blistering heat, unlivable cold and deep-water environments. More importantly, it connects only when asked, to solve for growing security concerns around “always on” IoT devices. Making an asset smart does not require a complicated IT infrastructure, an IP addressing scheme or even a power source.

What does the Smart Asset approach mean for healthcare? When you digitize the supply chain there are benefits that go well beyond track and trace. You enable significant improvements in inventory management and manufacturing lead times. You gain better forecasting capabilities with real-time, understanding of what’s happening, everywhere across the multi-layered supply chain. You dramatically improve recall processes by gaining visibility into granular-level product details for an early, almost surgical removal of only unfit products (and no more). And you become a value-adding entity up and down the entire value chain because you have the right data to share with partners at the right time, with no lag. In essence, you become a conduit for tighter industry-wide controls, auditing and revenue protection.

The coming serialization mandates give us all a chance to be smarter. Grab hold of the opportunity to do more to strengthen your value chain, perfect the electronic chain of custody process, improve patient safety, and stop counterfeiters in their tracks.

SmartCitiesWorld Special Report on Tego Inc.

Timothy Butler, Chief Executive Officer, Tego, talks about making assets smart and how data from the edge have a vital part to play in creating and running a smart city.

Read the article here.

Frost & Sullivan Presents Tego with 2016 United States Asset Intelligence for Healthcare New Product Innovation Award

Tego Brings Compliance and Lifecycle Intelligence to Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Medical Devices and Lab Processes

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., Sept. 27, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — Based on its recent analysis of asset intelligence solutions for the healthcare market, Frost & Sullivan bestowed Tego, Inc. the 2016 North America Frost & Sullivan Award for New Product Innovation. Tego’s Asset Intelligence Platform (AIP) is recognized as one of the most innovative solutions for Internet of Things (IoT) applications in the healthcare industry pertaining to smart asset management for hospitals, drug and device manufacturers, distributors, and sterilization service companies. The solution makes every asset smart by embedding local intelligence on products for enhanced quality management, visibility and data accuracy, and much safer use.

Frost & Sullivan Presents Tego with 2016 United States Asset Intelligence for Healthcare New Product Innovation Award

Tego Announces Open, Multi-Platform Operating System for Powering Things with Intelligence

TegoOS Now Supports Major Mobile OS and RF Gateway Protocols

Boston, MA, September 19, 2016Tego, Inc. announced today the release of its open, multi-platform operating system, TegoOS, adding new capability to Tego’s innovative Asset Intelligence Platform, which provides local intelligence on any asset, anywhere. TegoOS now supports all major mobile and desktop operating systems, including iOS, Android, Windows and OS X. The open OS operates across all RF gateway protocols and handheld readers. It also enables distributed data about assets to be easily available to any cloud-based Internet of Things (IoT) platform as well as core enterprise systems such as Enterprise Asset Management (EAM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Business Intelligence (BI) and analytics applications.

“In the age of IoT, businesses need operational intelligence about the state and condition of their physical products, components and assets for better and safer business practices, and the use of open standards in IoT is a critical success factor,” shared Andy Mulholland, Vice President and Principal Analyst, Constellation Research. “Tego is among the next generation of IoT companies bringing local data connectivity to assets for operational, maintenance and strategic purposes.”

Using TegoOS, assets can tell their story at the point of use by making their origin, authenticity, lifecycle maintenance history, or chain of custody available to authorized users. TegoOS empowers manufacturers, distributors and maintenance organizations across aerospace, life sciences, healthcare and manufacturing sectors to deploy scalable solutions for lifecycle and service management, regulatory and process compliance, and authenticity management. Out of the box, TegoOS provides encryption, compression and flexible and efficient file management. The process of storing data on a physical asset becomes a simple, one push-button activity.

The three main components of the TegoOS include:

  • A comprehensive software library supporting Tego’s Asset Intelligence Platform functionality and extensibility, securely storing and retrieving structured or unstructured data directly on any asset through a wireless communications protocol
  • A mobile application for AIP administrators and users with one common interface to RF gateway devices such as Motorola, ThingMagic, Intermec, Zebra, Impinj, TSL and LLRP gateways.
  • Integration capabilities for cloud-based IoT and enterprise systems

TegoOS powers Tego’s Asset Intelligence Platform (AIP), backed by a comprehensive portfolio of 30 patents. AIP provides the capability to embed digital information directly in the asset itself. From product specification and configuration, maintenance and use history, and intended use and compatibility, to process instructions or images, Tego’s AIP allows distributed data solutions to be installed quickly within small or large environments—providing line employees with critical operating data and ensuring asset data connectivity to devices and systems. TegoOS greatly simplifies the process of storing, recalling and communicating the information embedded in a product, component or asset.

“TegoOS powers data and insights for the T in the IoT,” said Timothy Butler, CEO of Tego. “It provides data connectivity to assets so businesses have the information they need to take the necessary actions to save money, keep users safe, and continue to build new revenue models.”

About Tego

Tego powers assets with intelligence. Tego’s Asset Intelligence Platform makes businesses smarter by embedding digital information in assets and components for the aerospace, life sciences, healthcare and manufacturing industries. Insights about assets’ lifecycle history, regulatory compliance and integrity drive operational excellence and new revenue models. Smart asset data is available for the right people and systems, including IoT, EAM, ERP, and Analytics applications.

Tego is an architect and co-author of the aerospace Spec 2000 Ch9-5, has 30 granted patents, serves dozens of global customers including Honeywell, Parker Aerospace, and B/E Aerospace, and is a healthcare leader with the Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC).

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Smart Approaches to Smart Assets – Use cases and Immediate Benefits

Tego focuses on the T in IoT as distributed data on assets has significant advantages over constant connectivity approaches. Get acquainted with the immediate quantifiable benefits of a smart asset solution and how it is different from the IoT.

TegoAir: Smart Asset Tracking Solution that Enables Visibility into Aerospace Processes and Asset Lifecycles

Understand how a smart asset tracking software solution addresses common aerospace industry challenges like optimization of aircraft inspection and inventory management processes, and learn about the functionality of each of the platform’s components.

  • CabinCheck: Tego gives flight and ground crew personnel a walk-through aircraft inspection and digital alert regarding the status of safety equipment and other cabin interior parts.
  • MRO Historian: For MRO organizations, Tego provides a locally stored, digital, lifecycle history on the part itself for every aircraft presenting for maintenance.
  • For Airframe Manufacturers, Tego provides a solution for reliable, full digital inspection and verification during final assembly and delivery to customers.

Find out more by signing up for your copy of the brochure below.

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