Videos Archives - Tego
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Tego Solution – Edge Data through a Mobile Application with Cloud Integration

Tego’s fully integrated mobile application with cloud reporting provides asset tracking and lifecycle data management at the edge. The business benefits include:

  • Reduced labor cost and inefficiencies in paper-based processes
  • Significantly improved turnaround times
  • Reduced life-cycle management costs
  • Increased equipment utilization
  • Improved regulatory compliance
  • Enhanced part authenticity and brand security

In summary – smart assets for smarter, more efficient operations.

Webinar: IP portfolio management for SMEs

Tego CEO Timothy Butler presented a webinar along with PatSnap – Strategic Intellectual Property. Tego’s technology embeds data and documents directly on an asset, creating business intelligence and powering the internet of things.

By 2020, an estimated 50 billion devices, robots, and sensors will be connected to the internet, and to each other. These devices are impacting every aspect of how we work and live, in what is being described as the 4th industrial revolution.

Timothy Butler will share how the company’s intellectual property strategy began to take shape while the Tego was still a very early stage startup. He’ll discuss how Tego’s IP strategy has evolved as the company has grown, and share insights on best practice for SMEs when managing their IP.

View the full webinar here

Tego provides a data connectivity platform for reaching the 90% of Things unreachable by current IoT platforms

Tego’s solutions enable data on physical assets for the aerospace, life science and energy industry. Use cases include digital MRO, pedigree for the pharmaceutical industry and asset integrity management (anti-counterfeit control).


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