MRO Aviation Should Use IoT for Operational Performance Management
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Tego CEO Tim Butler Featured in Aviation Week’s InsideMRO

“A smart-asset approach is about putting extensive digital product information and life-cycle history onto components themselves. Meaningful data simply becomes part of the things’ DNA, ripe to divulge wisdom everywhere they go across their entire life cycle.”

Tego’s CEO Tim Butler was a featured columnist in Aviation Week’s InsideMRO, discussing the mindset shift to the ‘things’ versus the ‘internet’ in ‘IoT,’ which simply must occur in order to bring about true digital transformation in aviation and MRO.

Tim likens the new mentality to the moment when companies realized that moving away from mainframe computing architecture to desktop PCs would liberate the the business to accomplish more than was ever thought possible.

That is a stunning consideration, when you really stop to think about it.

From the article:

Granting intelligence to an asset at its physical layer is a novel approach, a departure from typical IoT thinking that centers upon the “I” part of the IoT. It is our belief the focus has skewed too heavily toward connecting everything with a sensor all the time, to send streaming information to a database or cloud repository or enterprise system. When this happens, the value proposition for the IoT tends to get lost amid concerns of conducting a large-scale, expensive system rollout. It can engender a “where do we start” mentality among fragmented operational teams already struggling to define time lines, returns-on-investment and ownership schemes for digital adoption. This predicament already is holding many airlines back from putting digital technologies into place, despite the vast potential they hold for value creation.

After each service or inspection, new maintenance information is added to the asset’s digital history, and it retains a permanent, progressive record for all workers with authorized permission to access and perform local analysis. This is done via a local smartphone and connected reader and enables faster, safer and more precise decision-making in the field. If need be, the field worker can sync the latest data record back to the enterprise systems of the airline operator, OEM, or third-party maintenance provider, providing thorough visibility into how a part is being used and its performance over time.

In short, every asset becomes a node of distributed intelligence, with data available at the point of need to guide maintenance, prompt compliance activity for life-limited parts, ensure the authenticity of parts, verify part performance and even provide maintenance instructions directly. The asset becomes so smart that employees asks it what needs to be done!

Read the full article here: Pulling The IoT Out Of Its “Dumb Green Screen” Rut

To learn about Tego’s radio frequency asset intelligence platform for transforming aviation operations, visit this page.

To schedule a demo and see if Tego can improve the performance and interaction among your organization’s assets, contact us here.

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